Dakota Electric ASSOCIATION


Explore the project timeline of assessing our current facility. Information will be shared as the project progresses and decisions are made by Dakota Electric’s Board of Directors. Have questions? Please visit our FAQ page.

October 2019

The co-op proposed a Facility Planning Study Charter to address future needs and membership growth. However, delays occurred due to the ongoing advanced meter installation project and challenges posed by COVID-19.

September 2022

Three years later, the board granted approval for the co-op to conduct a Facility Assessment and Business Plan Charter with a local engineering consulting firm, ISG. This assessment aimed to identify the operational deficiencies and establish the need for investment. This included an evaluation of the condition and functionality of the co-op’s current headquarters.

October 2023

The year-long assessment confirmed an urgent need for investment, highlighting inefficiencies in the building and yard, requirements for retention ponds, and challenges related to equipment and vehicle storage. The board considered four strategic options, from enhancing current facilities to constructing a new facility elsewhere. However, needing more information, the board authorized the co-op to conduct a comprehensive Facility Planning Study.

MArch 2024

At the March board meeting, Cooperative Building Solutions, a construction firm that collaborates closely with electric cooperatives nationwide, presented the results of the Facility Planning Study. The study focused on establishing short and long-term goals, conducting a needs assessment, proposing conceptual facility designs, providing summary cost estimates and schedules, and detailing next steps.

April–June 2024

At subsequent board meetings, the board and management had more detailed discussions on the facility planning study to ensure that future facility investments align with the co-op’s strategic vision. Topics included investment options, potential impacts on residential rates, strategies for member communication, and negotiations for potential land acquisitions.

July 2024

At the July board meeting, the board of directors approved a letter of intent to move forward with the land acquisition process for a future new facility. 

Next Steps

Information will be shared as the project progresses and decisions are made by Dakota Electric’s Board of Directors. If you have questions, please submit them using the provided form. Questions will be categorized and added to the FAQ page each month to keep members informed about the progress.

Project Schedule

Phase 1: Facility Planning Study
Phase 1 (Facility Planning Study)
Completed 100%

October 2019 – March 2024

Board Action


Needs Assessment

Phase 2 (Land Acquisition)
In Progress 25%

July – October 2024

Board Action

In Process

More Information
The board authorized the co-op to move forward with land acquisition, finalize the purchasing agreement, and conduct the site due diligence process. Visit our FAQ page to learn more about this process.

Phase 3 (Facility Design)
Not Started 0%

November 2024 -Spring 2025

Board Action

Not started

More Information
The board of directors will approve Phases 3A – 3C separately before moving to Phase 4.

Phase 3A (Schematic Design)
Not Started 0%

November 2024

Board Action

Not started

More Information
Phase 3A of the facility design will be completed and approved by the board of directors to move to Phase 3B.

Phase 3B (Design Drawings)
Not Started 0%

November 2024 – January 2025

Board Action

Not started

More Information
Phase 3B of the facility design will be completed and approved by the board of directors to move to Phase 3C.

Phase 3C (Construction Design)
Not Started 0%

January – Spring 2025

Not started

More Information
Phase 3C of the facility design will be completed and approved by the board of directors to move to Phase 4.

Phase 4 (Construction)
In Progress 0%

July 2025 – July 2027

Board Action


More Information
Construction will proceed if Phases 3A – 3C are approved by the board of directors. Visit our FAQ page to learn more about this process.