Dakota Electric ASSOCIATION


Your questions answered.

Since moving to our current location, built in 1976, Dakota Electric has outgrown its headquarters in virtually every way. We are proud of our former employees and board members who planned, designed, and constructed a facility that has supported us in serving our members for half a century. To sustain our growth alongside our communities, and as identified in the needs assessment, we need more space to accommodate the size and demands of today’s fleet and inventory needs.

To ensure a successful land acquisition, Dakota Electric is undertaking preliminary due diligence. This includes assessing a site’s suitability and compliance with Dakota Electric’s standards. We must verify local zoning laws and land use regulations to confirm the land can be used for our intended purposes. Additionally, we’ll conduct an environmental assessment to identify any potential contamination or other issues. These steps ensure we’re making the most well-informed decisions to secure a parcel of land.

We began this process back in 2019 to carefully review and assess our needs. The project is being initiated now based on the findings from our Facility Assessment and Business Plan. This plan revealed inefficiencies in the building and pole yard, requirements for the retention pond, and challenges with equipment and vehicle storage. These factors impact every aspect of our operations, administration, and member services. For more details, please refer to the project timeline.

The board considered four strategic options, ranging from enhancing current facilities to constructing a new facility elsewhere. After careful consideration of costs, location, and the cooperative’s needs, the board decided the current location could not sustain long-term viability or provide the necessary acreage and square footage for expansion. Additionally, any renovation would only offer a short-term solution, as our membership and the cooperative’s needs continue to grow.

Assuming the site due diligence does not uncover an insurmountable hurdle and the rest of the pre-construction milestones are met and approved by the board, we believe the project could be completed in approximately three years.

If the board approves all phases of the new project, they will work with cooperative leadership at that time to explore selling the current facility, always prioritizing the best value for our membership.

More information will be shared as the project progresses and decisions are made by Dakota Electric’s Board of Directors. Please continue to check this website for updated information.

We’d love to answer your questions! Please submit your questions using the form below. We will update the answers to your questions on the same webpage each month, ensuring you stay informed about our ongoing decisions and actions.